Everything you need for a calm and positive birth
"I have been present at KGHypnobirthing births and seen how in control the women are, and how also the partners are a lot calmer and able to help, and what a difference it really does make to the start of parenthood for them." - Midwife
What you'll learn
Session 1:
Intro to Hypnobirthing
How the mind/body connection works
The Physiology of Birth
Understanding the Uterus
Session 2:
Breathing Techniques
Toolkit for an Empowering Birth
Preventing Tearing
Positions of baby; inc back to back and breech
Positions for birth
Perineal Massage
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Session 3:
Birth Partners Questions
Inducing Labour Naturally
Due Dates
Induction of labour
Confidence & Power
Onset of Labour and what to do
Session 4:
Note to Your Midwife
Home/Birth Centre/Hospital
Extra Things to Help You Relax
Early Labour
Established Labour
Breathing and Visualisations
Very Useful Information
Birth Proposal
What to Pack For Birth Centre/Hospital
Taking Responsibility for Your Birth
Session 5: Optional
Meet back up with the group Tea & Coffee Morning and Recap